Main Features is an online cash book application that functions as a manager for petty cash based finance. The main function of this financial application is to create records of credit, debit, balance history, and its subsequent reports. Besides being a cash book, this app also comes with supporting features for its users’ financial activities, such as Payable & Receivable Book, e-Invoice, etc. can be used for personal, organizational, or business purposes. Users can record their finance anywhere and whenever they need to. This accounting software can be accessed via web browser or as an Android/iOS app that can be downloaded on your cell phone. is a cloud-based program which keeps users’ data safe in case their device is lost or broken. The cloud-based system also allows users to share data online in real time with their team members or employees in different locations.
Multi Cash & Transaction Categories
The function of this Cash Book is basically the same as general accounting, which is to keep a record of cash debit and credit. Each credit and debit will be classified into need-based categories for easier analysis.
Users can create more than one cash book in order to differentiate existing cash or accounts. This app is also supported with transfer or book entry functions from one cash book to another. All entries of financial transaction can also be downloaded into Excel or PDF formats and be printed.
Payables and Receivables as a financial accounting application also provides Payable and Receivable Book. This Book is divided into two pages, consisting of a main page for account payable and receivable and a second page for details of addition and subtraction of the debts and claims. Therefore, besides knowing the total payables and receivables, users can also take note and track down addition, interest, and settlement of their debts.
Daily, Monthly, and Annual Report
AKUN. biz provides features in Cash Book Report that can be directly monitored both in graphic and numerical forms. Besides being generally divided into credit and debit reports, users can also view reports for each petty cash or each category.
The reports in this accounting application are in three formats; daily, monthly, and annual reports, allowing a more detailed analysis of users’ cash flow. Reports on can also be downloaded in PDF and Excel formats that can be printed or used for other purposes.
Multi Users provides multi users facility where users can create additional users to access an existing account. These additional users will be assigned different roles, such as Manager, Supervisor, Writer, Reader, and Custom.
With this multiuser feature, users can share accounting tasks to other members of the group. Access right for additional users can be differentiated based on needs, such as when Writer can only take cannot see the Balance or Cash Flow Statement.’ cloud system can also allow record activity of additional users to be remotely monitored online and in real-time.
e-Invoice provides e-Invoice feature that can be utilized to create PDF formatted invoices online. Subsequently, the e-Invoices can be downloaded and sent directly to customers as email attachments. Users can also save and manage invoices made in an Invoice Book.
In other tabs, there is also Customer Data, to keep data of customers that have been sent invoices. To add more legit impression, users can also add their own logos to be displayed in the Invoice header.
Online Notes
We realize that human memory is limited, therefore, we must accept the fact that sometimes things are forgotten. To overcome this, has prepared an Online Notes feature.
Various notes can be saved easily. You just have to write it and press “save” button. These small notes can be accessed anywhere, anytime. Some of the reminders that can be saved including schedules, important numbers, ideas, inspiration, or whatever comes to you mind worth remembering.