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Cash Book Categories

published December 16, 2016 views 5,629 device All Devices device All Users

You can edit, add, or delete various categories that are used on Cash Book. To do it, please click Setting Menu »» Category.

Making Category


To add category on AKUN.biz for browser version, type category name on the available column, then click ‘Add’ button. For mobile version, the way to access it is quite the same. Click + sign on the ‘Create Income /Expense Category’ navigation to create a new category..

Editing Category

To edit category name, click ‘edit’ icon which appear on each category, then click “Save”.


Deleting Category

Deleting category can be done by clicking (x) icon for browser version, or clicking ‘Trash’ for mobile version. This icon is on the right side of each category.


After clicking ‘delete’ icon, then it will appear pop-up, asking how is your decision about recorded transaction on the category.


  • If you choose ‘delete all’ then all transactions in the category will be all deleted.
  • If you choose ‘transfer’, then all transactions in the category to the chosen Category.
  • Jika Anda memilih “Pindahkan”, maka Semua transaksi yang berada di kategori tersebut akan dipindah ke Kategori yang dipilih.

Be careful! When you delete category and choose to delete all transactions in it, then all transactions in the category will gone and cannot be restored. Your cash book balance will might be changed as well. Recheck your Cash Book and make sure you are not wrong in making decision.

3 responses to “Cash Book Categories”

  1. hy kak, mau tanya di bagian kolom pemasukan apakah cuman bisa satu aja kak?
    kebetullan pemasukan kita ada dari tunai, grab, gojek, dan shopee pay..
    kolom kategori nya sudah kami gunakan untuk nama nama cabang nya..
    atau apakah ada solusi lain ?
    terimakasih 🙂

    • Terima kasih telah menghubungi kami,
      Mohon kirimkan pertanyaan dan kendala Anda tersebut melalui email: support@akun.biz agar memudahkan tim kami dalam memberikan bantuan/solusi yang dibutuhkan.

    • Kolom pemasukan memang cuma hanya satu kak. Kakak bisa memanfaatkan kategori pemasukan untuk memisahkan pemasukannya kak. Alangkah baiknya nama cabang dibuatkan perbuku kas kak..Jadi akan lebih jelas apabila cabang mempunyai pencatatan keuangan sendiri sendiri

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