AKUN.biz – Guide & Documentation

Documentation and Guides

Checking Subscription Period

published January 1, 2017 views 3,103 device All Devices device All Users

If you have already had premium AKUN.biz, you can also check out the subscription period yourself. This will be useful for those who are going to prepare their finance to pay for next subscription period without waiting for a notification from AKUN.biz support team.

The following are steps that you can take to check your premium AKUN.biz subscription period.

  1. Login to AKUN.biz app, via web-browser or smartphone app
  2. Click menu
  3. Select “My Account” menu
  4. Please carefully monitor the opened page, then scroll down
  5. On the page, you will see your account data history and subscription period status, including date of registration, last activity, and expiration date for your premium subscription.

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